Achievements of the Engineering Department
During 2015, the department had performed several activities, which had positive impacts over the work of JWU in the administrative, technical and financial aspects. 17 km of old lines and networks have been extended and rehabilitated under unlimited quantity bids in the different areas of JWU service, enhancing running water provision in these areas, and new similar bids are being prepared.
3589 water provision applications were received and executed by the Estimation Section, including 653 new subscriptions.
Achievements of the Engineering Department During 2015:
Projects: during 2015, several old network and line rehabilitation projects were implemented. The old pipes imposed a financial burden over JWU since they caused a high rate of lost water.
These projects include:
- Bids with unlimited quantity:
- Different streets in Qalandia Camp
- Different streets around the Movenpick
- Streets in Ramallah
- Streets in the old town of Ramallah
- Al-Jihad Street in Ramallah
- Different streets in Kufr-Aqab
- Al-Tarifi Quarry line
- Different lines in Sinjel
- Different lines in Birzeit
- Different streets in Ramallah including “Al-Nidal”
- Different streets in Al-Kawthar area
- Different streets in Dir Dibwan
- Different streets in Al-Kroum Dir Dibwan
- Tamim Al-Dari Street in Samiramis
- Al-Zaytouna Street in Beit Hanina
- Bisan Street in Beit Hanina
- Jubran and Al-Dajani Streets in Beit Hanina
- Different lines in Sinjel main street (US fund)
- Engineers Block lines in Surda (funded by the engineers)
- Total length of lines under these projects were 17,000 m distributed as follows:
- 6 inch pipes (794 m)
- 4 inch pipes (5063 m)
- 3 inch pipes (3434 m)
- 2 inch pipes (7170 m)
- 1 inch pipes (543 m)
- Tender for Equipment of the New Workshop: a new location was equipped for AMR testing and servicing at the JWU depots. A properly equipped place for the team and a cutting edge testing machine was prepared for this purpose.
- KFW Financed Bids and Projects
During 2015, four important projects were funded by the German Development Bank “KFW”, and was followed up by the Studies and Planning Section as follows:
Investment Projects:
- Sewer project for Ramallah area with 27 Million Euros.
- Phase 2 of Lost Water Reduction Project with 8 Million Euros.
Studies and Planning Projects:
- Comprehensive plan for the JWU water networks system with 0.6 million Euros.
- Comprehensive plan for sewer network.
Under the main financial projects, a list of projects will be implemented according to a specific executive plan upon priority and availability of permits from line public bodies (Water Authority, Jerusalem Municipality, and the Civil Administration)
The current situation of the KFW funded projects (in terms of stage of implementation, design, permit acquiring) could be summarized as follows:
Ongoing Projects:
- Ramallah Sewer with 27 Million Euros.
Consultancy services for planning and permit acquiring to establish Ein Jariout/ Bitunia Treatment Station and main lines: Eagle Office for Engineering and Consultancies, cost: 205,000 Euros.
- Phase 2 of Lost Water Reduction Project with 8 Million Euros.
- Procurement of 15 ml AMRs along with AMR testing machine form Itron French Company with cost of 1.5 Million Euros.
- Jerusalem area consultancy for planning and permits/ Engineer Musa Hijazi with cost of 300,000 Euros.
- Comprehensive plan of water networks with a cost of 600,000 Euros.
Designed Projects with ready Bidding Documents
Reducing the Lost water project with cost of 8 million Euros
- Creating a 10 inch ductile in Al-Nahda street with cost of 290,000 Euros.
- Rehabilitation of Beit Hanina Water Network (Al-Ashrafiya Block)
Projects with Signed Financing Agreements
- the comprehensive sewer plan
New Subscriptions: the new subscription fees system has proved efficiency in retrieving costs of new extensions and post installation fees, thanks to the follow up of the department to the area fees and water debits. During 2015, there was 3589 estimation applications, including 653 new subscriptions, 2462 additional applications, 354 AMR transfer and enlargement.
Lost Water
Lost water percentage in 2014 was 26% and mounted to 28% in 2015. Studies showed that increase is due to lack of precision of some main AMRs, leading to increased flows read by AMRs, but erroneously calculated as lost equal to 2%.
Based on the explained conclusions, no change has taken place on the Lost water percent between 2014 and 2015. This is attributable to the lack of major projects to rehabilitate water networks, besides that no considerable AMR renewal for users has taken place in 2015. It is anticipated in 2016, with new AMRs replacing the old ones and with major KFW funded rehabilitation projects are conducted, that the Lost Water percentage will decline.
GIS and Mapping
In the past years, a GIS system was developed and JWU water network data was completely uploaded to it with best quality. Every year, work is done to keep abreast of international developments and integrate them on the JWU system to provide access to perfect data for all departments and the other service organizations.
GIS activities include:
- Data entry of applications from the New Subscriptions Section on a timely basis.
- Recording new network work progress on the system
- Prepare detailed maps for new subscribers and networks for the use of internal and external bodies.
- Follow up and transfer of line management procedures.
- Assisting in design works through providing information on the number of subscribers and consumption quantities.
- Make available necessary maps and information for departments and field workers to locate subscribers.